
KAROO Wasser

Wertmarke is instructed to develop a new packaging concept for the South African mineral water KAROO. The name reflects the product and thus it is mandatory to communicate the purity and quality of the well located in the South African desert in the design. Today, KAROO is the market leader upon the various upscale water brands in South Africa.

Zurück zur Übersicht
Karoo pet flasche
Karoo typografie
Karoo sixpack

packaging concept

The main parts of the design that belong to the water‘s image are the connection of the symbolism "Star of the South", a poem about the desert Karoo and the logo. The cool and clear color palette in combination with the metallic components support the aspects of quality and purity. By now the "water from the desert" can even be purchased in Germany - for instance at the traditional hotel "Hotel Adlon" in Berlin.

Karoo etikett


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wertmarke hamburg GmbH
Alte Druckerei
Bahrenfelderstr. 73b

D-22765 Hamburg
