

Beer is one of the most natural things in the world - this is best proven by the new "Strandräuber BioBiermix" by Störtebeker Braumanufaktur. The new web appearance informs costumers about the quality and authenticity and simultaneously offers them the chance to order the tasty refreshing mixed beer online.

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Strandraueber web4
Strandraueber web2
Strandraueber web3
Strandraueber web1


The fresh and light image of the beverage should be found in the packaging and web design. Thus, typical elements from the packaging design, such as the white wood and the illustrations of the fruits, were used on the website. In combination with the parallax scrolling effect the web appearance does not only offer an adventurous web experience, but it can also be easily accessed on smartphones, tablets and laptops.



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get in touch with wertmarke


wertmarke hamburg GmbH
Alte Druckerei
Bahrenfelderstr. 73b

D-22765 Hamburg
