Corporate Design

School of Arts Wandsbek

Communication on eye- level is the motto of the School of Arts in Wandsbek.„ Direct quotes and snapshots of their everyday life shape their broshures, website, imagefilm and exhibition stand. In the centre of their new appearance occurs the logo, with which wertmarke visually clarifies the values of their school: the collaboration of individuality and group identity.

Zurück zur Übersicht
Kw t shirt
Kw infografik
Kw broschuere
Kunstschule wandsbek bildmarke
Kw broschuere2
Kw bildsprache

design concept

To emphasize that the cooperation of individual parts and therefore individual humans always create new unique shapes and pictures, single shapes and components from the logo were used to design wall graphs, details in the brochures or to arouse disturbing systematics. These can either be enclosed areas or an outline- application within the corporate colours.


Corporate Design

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get in touch with wertmarke


wertmarke hamburg GmbH
Alte Druckerei
Bahrenfelderstr. 73b

D-22765 Hamburg
