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further interesting projects


strandräuber.net UI/UX-Design

Beer is one of the most natural things in the world - this is best proven by the new "Strandräuber BioBiermix" by Störtebeker Braumanufaktur. The new web appearance informs costumers about the quality...

Qowaz Biermix

Qowaz Biermix Packaging

The look of the 50s functions as the basis for the brand identity of the mixed beer beverage Qowaz (wheat, coke and lemongrass). The packaging concept combines labels...

Beer & Dine

Beer & Dine Interior Design

In 2012 wertmarke was commissioned to develop the concept for Störtebeker in the Elbphilharmonie and to transport the brewing culture of Störtebeker Braumanufaktur in Hamburg's new landmark.

Störtebeker Brauquartier - Sudhaus

Störtebeker Brauquartier - Sudhaus Interior Design

In der Braumanufaktur von Störtebeker kann man Bier genießen – und verstehen. Im alten Sudhaus, das von wertmarke neu gestaltet wird, startet...

get in touch with wertmarke


wertmarke hamburg GmbH
Alte Druckerei
Bahrenfelderstr. 73b

D-22765 Hamburg
