Corporate Design

VIVOTEC – Solutions for tasty food!

Client and VIVOTEC- owner Hubert Verhak is the inventor and worldwide patentee of O2- technology in the food sector. Wertmarke performs the relaunch of the brand VIVOTEC, whose name symbolizes the union of oxygen/life = VIVO and technology = TEC.

Zurück zur Übersicht
Vivotec logo
Vivotec t shirt
Vivotec visitenkarte
Vivotec briefbogen
Vivotec submarken
Vivotec messestand
Vivotec philosophie
Vivotec messeinladung
Vivotec film

design concept

The specially developed logoscript, as well as the chosen coporate colours, symbolize the union of oxygen/ life= VIVO (blue) and technology= TEC (grey). Due to the integration of the chemical symbol for oxygen "O2" every observer knows immediately what VIVOTEC- O2- technology is based on.


Corporate Design

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get in touch with wertmarke


wertmarke hamburg GmbH
Alte Druckerei
Bahrenfelderstr. 73b

D-22765 Hamburg
