
CONVAERO - with air.

Garbage is energy - this is shown by the new image film which wertmarke produced for the Munich company CONVAERO. The film revolves around Europe‘s largest waste drying plant located in Istanbul which uses the newly developed BioDry technology by CONVAERO to transform household garbage into combustible material.

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film concept

The concept of the CONVAERO film is based on the documentation of the Bio-Dry-technology in the actual process of waste separation and further finishing on the waste disposal. A harmonious arrangement of scenes supported by short upcoming interviews with representatives being in charge of the project perfectly display this process.

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Convaero Movies

Garbage is energy - this is shown by the new image film which wertmarke produced for the Munich company CONVAERO. The film revolves around Europe‘s largest...

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wertmarke hamburg GmbH
Alte Druckerei
Bahrenfelderstr. 73b

D-22765 Hamburg
