
CU Camper – User Tutorial

It takes only 1 minute and every potential costumer knows how to use CU I Camper. This is achieved by the newly animated brief instruction clip that was designed and realized by wertmarke. Step by step the users are informed how easily they can find a suitable camper on Concise motion graphics offer CU costumers a charming way to plan their next vacation.

Zurück zur Übersicht
Cu camper storyboard
Cu camper film5
Cu camper film1

film concept

For this user tutorial the prior existing illustrations and characters were integrated in the new web appearance. Modern illustrations in icon look combined with defined corporate colours expose all relevant information in order to use the innovative website - all within 60 seconds!

Cu camper film2


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wertmarke hamburg GmbH
Alte Druckerei
Bahrenfelderstr. 73b

D-22765 Hamburg
